Experts in commercial printing
Our whole team has worked from the ground up in print, to where we are today. We’re proud of our classic Kiwi ingenuity and of the passion our team has to always seek out creative and innovative solutions for our clients.
Product catalogues

Partnership – a keyword, not a buzz word
When you deal with us, you’ll be working with the directors of the business. We view all business relationships as long-term partnerships, and we’re dedicated to providing the best solutions for every project.
See who we partner with

Case studies — our smarter solutions in action
We’ve streamlined the printing process for Mitre 10 so that their separate divisions are now able to work with the one print provider.
We can do it all
The high-end technology and facilities at our 3,300m2 Christchurch premises enable us to deliver on any job, nationwide.
Tidy Kiwis
There’s a bit of Kiwi ingenuity in everything we do — from what we’re like to work with, to our focus on sustainability.